Add Visa Pages
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The United States Department of State will no longer add visa pages into passports beginning January 1, 2016. The decision to discontinue add visa page service was made to enhance the security of the passport and to abide by international passport standards.
You’ve been enjoying your time as a world traveler, filling the pages of your passport with evidence of your many adventures. This is a wonderful accomplishment, but it may leave you with a bit of a problem. You are almost out of space in your passport!
Fortunately, it is possible to add additional pages to a valid passport. You’ll simply need to plan ahead to ensure that this process is complete long before you depart for your next international destination.
Extra Passport Pages
The standard passport contains 28 pages, 17 of which can be used for exit and entry stamps. If you are approaching the end of your current passport and have more than six months remaining before its expiration, it is recommended that you request additional pages.
These extra pages are added in packets of 24. Unlike the initial passport, all pages from your requests will be completely blank and thus, eligible for stamping when you leave the country.
Requirements for Added Visa Pages
In order to request additional pages for your passport, you need to fulfill the following requirements:
- Completed Application Form DS-4085
- Passport Fee
- Keep Current Passport Valid
The required fee will allow you to request either one or two sets of 24 pages. If you believe that you will be traveling on a regular basis over the course of the next few years, you’d be best off requesting two sets of 24 pages. It will not cost you extra. However, if you do not order enough pages now, you may find out later that you are short on pages and you’ll be forced to fill out another request and pay an additional fee.
How To Submit Your Extra Page Request:
- Submit by mail via Post Offices
- Submit in person at a Passport Agency
Additional Information Regarding Extra Passport Pages
Should You Request A Larger Passport?
If you plan to continue traveling abroad on a frequent basis, it may be in your best interest to invest in a completely new passport. This option is particularly worth your consideration if your current passport is about to expire within the next year. An ordinary passport may not be sufficient to meet your travel requirements. Fortunately, it is possible to be issued a larger version of the standard passport. This larger passport will include a total of 52 pages, 43 of which are blank and can be used for visas or exit and entry stamps.
How To Request A Larger Passport to a New Passport or Passport Renewal
Requesting a 52-page passport is simple. All you need is to complete the following requirements:
-Fill out a standard passport application
-For new passport applicants, complete form DS-11
-For passport renewals, complete form DS-82
-Place a checkmark in “52 pages” box
Checking the “52 pages” option on your passport application does not ensure that you’ll receive the larger version. In most cases, it’s possible to have such a request honored. However, if there is an issue with supply, you may make do with a standard passport.