Looking to Get a Passport with Driving Violations, can I?
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Question: Looking to get a passport with driving violations? Well here goes a long story. I am 22 and in the military. I have a “special passport” and want to travel during one of my military leave. Coming home with my military passport is an option but I want to travel from the U.S. to Mexico.
Here is where the story gets more interesting. I had a bunch of driving violations that I got while on leave before and because of my deployment overseas in combat, I was unable follow through on these summons. I am under the impression that there may be a warrant out for me simply on the fact that I did not answer these problems. Can I get a passport and can I get it quickly since my leave is short.
Answer: Let’s take this one step at a time. According to the Department of State persons with active federal warrants for arrest for a felony including a warrant issued under the Federal Fugitive Felon Act or subject to a criminal court order that restricts travel cannot obtain a passport. The actual articles of this law are more complex but in your case they do not apply. You have traffic tickets which do not constitute a federal offense. That being said, it would be in your best interest to answer those warrants when you get back so you are not burden down in any way going forward.
With regard to using your military passport for non-military purposes, that would not be possible. You will need to apply for a civilian passport to travel between countries on non-military matters.
While you are in the U.S. you can get an expedited passport at a regional office in just one day. See applying for an expedited passport and see the addresses of the nearest regional office near you.