Found Passport – What to do when you find a passport?
/ 5 Stars read 2 min

QUESTION: Recently, I found a passport in my bar. This happens very often since many tourists visit my bar in New York City, and sometimes they leave their passport on the table. What should I do with the lost passport?
ANSWER: Since you have a bar in New York City, you know very well that these things happen quite often. Since things like this happen quite often, especially in a big city like New York City, we have a solution to your problem within this post. If the holder of the found passport has reported it lost, then the passport is nullified and cannot be used. More often than not, the owner of the passport does not realize they lost their passport until it is too late and somebody has already tried to use it.
In this case, you should mail the found United States passport to the appropriate office. The office it is mailed to will handle the lost passport accordingly. Below is the information pertaining to mailing the passport. Mail the passport that was found in a sturdy envelope to:
Address to Return Found U.S. Passport
U.S. Department of State
4th Floor 1150 Passport Services PL
Dulles, VA 20189-1150
It is important to know if you found the passport owner and they have reported the passport as lost or stolen using the Application Form DS-64. The passport owner would have to apply for a new passport as the found passport would not be able to be reinstated.
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