How Will My Name Appear on My Passport?
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Question I am curious as to how my name will appear on my passport. I would like to know the order my names are on my passport so that I can match my plane ticket to it. How is my name print on my passport?
Answer Your passport name will display depending on how you have completed the form. The passport application provides lines for your first name, middle name, and last name. If you wrote your full name in the spaces provided for first, middle and last name, then that is how it will appear on the passport.
It is recommended by the Secure Flight Program that you provide your name on your ticket for flight the same way it is on your traveling identification, which in this case will be your United States passport.
Minor differences according to the Transportation Security Administration concerning the name on the boarding pass, passenger reservation information and the passenger’s identification should not arise any issues when traveling for the passenger. Minor differences include hyphens or apostrophes, middle initials instead of full middle name, or even no middle name or initial at all)
If you would like to change the name on your passport, you must provide three pieces of acceptable identification. Hence, this will help to complete the name change. Any three of the identifications listed below are acceptable:
- Insurance Records
- Medicare Records
- Deeds of Property
- Military Records
- Federal, State or Local Government Cards
- Tax Records
- Bank Books
- Employment Records
- Driver’s License
- Early School Records
Accompanying these three identifications, will be a “Statement of Witness in Support of Change of Name” that have to provide. Two or more people will have to attest that you have been indeed using your new name exclusively for at least the last five years.
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