Month: June 2016

Travel Packing Tips: Pack Like a Travel Pro

Are you an aspiring traveler hoping to hit the open road and explore a foreign country without worry? Packing is one of the most important components of any successful trip and ensuring that you have all the right items in your suitcase can make or break your travels. But never fear! With these tried-and-true travel packing tips, you can learn how to pack like a pro and get on with your journey knowing everything is taken care of. From being strategic about what type of luggage to bring to choosing versatile clothing options, this blog post will arm you with essential knowledge so that packing for your next adventure becomes easy.

Get Your Trip Schedule in Order to Make a Packing List

Your trip should include a plan for all the necessary items you’ll need while traveling. Make a list of essentials such as a passport, mobile phone, adapter plugs, and any required medications. Additionally, pack items like a flashlight, portable battery charger, and an external hard drive in the event your electronics need extra power or storage.

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Start with Your Must-Have Items

Do you have any non-negotiable items that you absolutely cannot leave behind? Make sure to set them aside.  Think outside the box and consider items such as your favorite travel pillow, noise-canceling headphones, camera gear, or a water bottle. Don’t forget to bring any necessary documents such as a passport that you may need while on your trip.

Your Heaviest Items Should be At Bottom

The items you want easy access to should be placed at the top when packing your suitcase. On the other hand, heavier items such as shoes or a laptop should go near the bottom of your bag so that they don’t end up crushing fragile items like clothing in the middle.

Coordinate Your Clothing Around Two Pairs of Shoes

Chances are, you don’t need to bring more than two pairs of shoes on your trip. If you coordinate your clothing around the two pairs of shoes that you do decide to bring, it will make packing and organizing much easier.

Small-Sized Travel Products

If you’re looking to free up some space in your suitcase, look for travel-sized versions of the products you use on a daily basis. Instead of bringing full-sized bottles of shampoo or conditioner, opt for small containers filled with just enough product to last your trip.

Don’t forget to store any liquids and gels in a Ziploc bag to prevent them from spilling and making a mess.

Pack Clothes That Can Be Layered

When packing clothes, try to select items that can be easily layered together for different occasions. A lightweight jacket or sweater is perfect for layering over a tank top or blouse if the temperature drops during your travels, and wearing long pants and tights can make a skirt more appropriate for cooler weather.

By bringing items that you can layer, you’ll save space in your suitcase and have plenty of outfit options for wherever your travels take you.

Keep All Your Valuable with You

When you’re traveling, it’s important to always keep your most valuable items with you. Make sure that any passport, cash, credit cards, and jewelry are stored in a place where they can be easily accessed if needed. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry during your travels, as it could become lost or damaged while you’re away from home.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to make copies of important documents like your passport and credit cards before you leave so that you will have backup copies available if they are lost or stolen.

Finally, always be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut instincts regarding safety during your travels.


Planning your travels and packing like a pro will revolutionize the way you approach each excursion. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to embrace the thrill of travel without having to worry about losing or forgetting essential items. With these packing tips in mind, use the power of planning to become a savvy traveler that knows how to pack like an expert. Happy trails!

How To Process An Adoption From Abroad?

Adopting a child is a noble thing to do. There are a lot of children out there who are desperate and eager to have a family. Though there are a lot of children to adopt, the process of adoption is not that easy. There are certain rules and laws that you have to follow. The adoption process can stop if you do not have the requirements. Even with the best intentions, you will need to be deemed fit to be a parent or your wish to adopt from abroad will not be granted.

You must be ready to adopt a child. You should think deeply if you want this and are ready for it. There is one more process you must go through after the adoption process: the citizenship or immigration of the child you are adopting.  Now if you think you are ready and you have what it takes to adopt a child, these are the steps to process your adoption from abroad:

International Adopting Process

Once you get the approval that you will be able to adopt, the international adoption process will start. This is where you will fill out an application asking for more details. You will have questions that would measure your sustainability in adopting a child. You will get the Adoption Service Contract afterward.

What is the Process for the Adoption of a Child From Abroad?

In the US, there are different territorial and provincial adoption agencies that you can work with. They are the ones who will tell you:

  • About the rules or laws of the country where you would want to adopt a child
  • If you need to contact a licensed adoption agency
  • How adoption from abroad works

They are also going to make sure that you have all that it takes to adopt a child.

How Long Does Internation Adoption Take in the U.S.?

The adoption process from abroad can take anywhere from 1 to 5 Years, depending on the country you are adopting from. You will have to get all of your required documents ready and submit your application for an assessment with an adoption agency. After that, they will provide you with a report, which will then be sent to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for review. Once it is approved, you will be allowed to travel to the country to finalize the adoption process.

Depending on the circumstances, you may also need to obtain an international adoption order from a court in that country and any other legal documents that are needed before coming back home with your child.

Remembering that each case is unique, and the timeframe for completing the process may vary. You will want to work closely with your adoption agency in order to get a better understanding of what is required and how long it might take. Additionally, you should check the State Department website for country-specific requirements as well as any special programs that are available.

Accomplish A Home Study Report

You must write a report about your home, and they will see if your home qualifies for adoption. After the home study process, you will fill out your report.

You should accomplish your dossier. The collection of documents is part of the first stage of the adoption process. They will need medical certificates, financial statements, birth certificates, etc. There are countries that would require all documents to be notarized or legalized.

You must attend pre-adoption workshops and seminars. This will prepare you for the arrival of the child you want to adopt.

Once all these processes are complete, a certified adoption agent will visit your home to formally write the report.

Acceptance And Assignment

You will now receive information about the child you are adopting. Information such as medical reports, histories, and sometimes even information about the biological parents. If there is something that you dislike, you may stop the process, and another assignment will be given to you.

Bringing Your Child Home

After the process, you can bring your child home. This is obviously the end goal to process an adoption from abroad. In some countries, you must visit the country you are adopting from. Your parenting duties will start from there. In other countries, they will send the child to you.

How to Get a Passport for Adopted Child?

Once your child is home, you may want to get a passport for their travel needs. To do this, you must contact the adoption agency in the state or country of origin. Information about how to apply for a passport for an adopted child will be provided by the agency.

You may also need to obtain a Certificate of Citizenship from the U.S. government. This document confirms that the child is a citizen of the United States. It’s an important document for applying for a passport and getting other benefits, too.

In addition to the Certificate of Citizenship, you will need to provide proof of identity such as a birth certificate or another form of valid identification such as a driver’s license. You may also be asked to provide documents such as the adoption decree or court orders.

You will need to submit an application form for your child’s passport along with two photographs and any required supporting documents. You can download the application forms from the U.S. Department of State website or get them from any post office, public library, or county clerk’s office that offers passport services.

Once your application is complete, you will need to submit it along with the required documents to a designated acceptance facility such as a post office or other government agency. The acceptance agent will review your application and supporting documents to ensure they are in order before forwarding them on for processing. Once the State Department receives your application and documentation, they will begin processing your child passport

Pre-Adoption Supervision

In six months to one year, you will be required to meet with your adoption agent for at least 3 or 4 times to see how your adoption is going. To finalize the adoption, you must re-adopt the child in the US. You then will be working on the second process: the immigration or citizenship process. You must file citizenship and a passport for the member of your family.

Applying for a U.S. Passport takes 4-6 weeks or longer. You will want to make sure you have all of your documents ready. Parental consent is required for ALL child passport applications. If you need your passport expedited, we highly recommend using a trusted passport courier service. If necessary, you can get your new child’s passport processed in 24 hours. For more information, please visit our Emergency Passport section.


Passports are a critical part of the adoption process. It is important that parents have all the necessary documents in order and are aware of the steps they need to take to get their child’s passport quickly, such as using an approved passport courier service. With the right preparation, parents can ensure that their family members will become U.S. citizen with ease and promptly. Thank you for visiting! We hope this guide has been helpful to you. Good luck!

How To Travel With Kids?

Flying can be stressful to both parents and children. There are things that you can do to have a good flight, even when you are traveling with kids. Flying with kids can seem like a stressful situation, but preparing beforehand will be helpful in having a good flight. Start your trip off right and enjoy your vacation. Flying and traveling with children may be difficult at times, but you can deal with it the right way if you know what to do. Utilizing a few helpful travel tips with help you handle flying with kids so you can enjoy your vacation.

airplaneFlying with Kids: Prepare In Advance

Being prepared is the best thing you can do. Being in the right mindset will help you do the task better. Being good at traveling with kids will take time and experience, but you can do it. Talk to your kids about how nice it would be to travel. Make them look forward to something but ensure they get a good rest before your flight. You should do the same. Remember that you should also set reasonable expectations because traveling with children is hard on the parents, the children, and often your fellow travelers.

You should prepare things that are essential for your flight.

Get the appropriate tickets and documents ahead of time, such as passports (if you’re flying internationally), seat reservations, boarding passes, etc. Consider packing snacks to avoid having hungry kids during your flight. Prepare activities for them to do in case they get bored of watching movies or playing games on their phones. It is also important to pack a change of clothes for your

  • A lot of snacks for the children.
  • Children can get hungry often, and they always want to eat when they are bored.
  • Small toys, preferably cuddly stuffed toys.
  • Playing with toys can keep them busy. Make sure, though, that you hold on to the favorite toy; losing it will make him upset.
  • Extra clothes on your hand carry.
  • It would be nice to have some clothes ready when they make a mess, but make sure not to put it together with your US passport. You might lose it when you are in a hurry to take it out.
  • Medicine for upset stomach, fever, and anything that might help when they feel uneasy.
  • Most children would feel sick during the flight. Having some medicine handy would help solve the problem. Fever medicine or medicine for vomiting will help with the altitude change, as well as ear drops.
  • Tablets or smartphones

A lot of games, children’s movies, and songs will help you to keep them busy and distracted about the flight. Even toddlers and babies are cheered up even for a short time when they are watching cartoons with a catchy children`s song.

Play With Them

Playing alone will last for just a few minutes; half an hour might be the longest for some children and toddlers to entertain themselves. Playing with them will be better especially if they have a fear of flying. Make them pretend that they are a pilot or a stewardess. This will help them cope up with any fear of flying, as well as have a fun time. Educate them on how flying can be interesting by showing them what can be seen outside the window and interesting things about the airplane. Games like ‘I Spy’ are also fun for little ones.

Take Short Flights

When going on a long trip it might help if you are going to have connecting flights so the children will have some time to run around airports and play. Of course, make sure they don’t get lost. It will give them some time to relax before taking another flight. However, this trick will not be helpful if your kids have a fear of flying. This technique will be best for kids who are hyperactive and need a chance to run around and burn some energy.

Apologize To Fellow Passengers

You don’t want to end up having a fight with your fellow passengers, so be sure to apologize quickly and early. Hand out some treats as an apology. Most people will understand that traveling with children isn’t exactly a treat for you either. Many travelers will want to help pitch in and assist you, whether it be playing peek-a-boo with your toddler or holding the diaper bag while you board.

Check-in With The Flight Crew

You shouldn’t scare your kids too much but just make them aware that the airplane authorities are there. Let them know why they are there. This shouldn’t just be a scare tactic, but it is also a good way to demonstrate to your children that there are authorities for their safety as well. The other benefit is letting the flight crew know that you are traveling with children. Often times, they will provide you with some extra space and snacks if available. Remember, the flight crew also wants you to enjoy your trip. They also want a peaceful flight too. Always be kind to your flight crew. This is a helpful travel tip for all travelers.

It may take a few trips before you really understand what your children like and dislike in a flight. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a disaster flight. Your fellow travelers and flight crew may seem inconvenienced, but in reality, everyone is really only focused on getting to their destination safely. And remember, all travelers now need passports for international travel. Make sure your children, toddlers, and infants all have a valid passport. So grab your passport, your children, and their passports- and enjoy flying with kids.


Flying with kids can be a daunting task. With proper planning and preparation, you can make it a fun experience for everyone involved. Always remember to bring your passports, as well as your children’s passports too. Being kind and understanding to the flight crew will also help make sure that your trip is peaceful and enjoyable. We hope this guide has helped make flying with kids a stress-free experience. Bon voyage!

Travel Like a Pro: How to Prepare for Longer TSA Lines This Summer

Prepare for Longer TSA Lines this Summer

If you travel by passenger jet, you experience that good feeling when you breeze through the TSA line with your patience and dignity intact. However, TSA lines are getting longer, which means breezing through is becoming less common. Here are six tips to help your security line experience go more quickly:

Arrive Two Hours Before Your Flight

The FAA has recommended this for many years: Arrive at the airport two hours before domestic flights and three hours before international trips. You’re not alone if you have flouted those guidelines. But you now do so at your own risk. American Airlines says 70,000 of its passengers missed their flights this year because of TSA backups, and that was before the busy Memorial Day weekend.

Sign up for the TSA PreCheck Program

This recommendation can prove useful when even saving a few minutes can make a difference. Go to TSA’s website to see how to apply. If you are a low-risk, your boarding passes will be marked accordingly. You then look for the TSA PreCheck line when you’re ready to pass through security. The program costs $85 for five years, which is a great value compared to the potential time loss and missed flights.

Affiliated Rewards Credit Card

Certain co-branded credit cards can give you access to faster security check lines. There are certain caveats, however. For example, the platinum American Express card can only provide access to priority lanes at some airports if you are traveling to Delta. Therefore, check your credit card provider to see if they have a relationship with specific airports and/or airlines. If not, find an affiliated credit card that works with your preferred airline and departure airport.

Get Membership Reward Perks

One of the advantages of often traveling the same airline is racking up miles and getting to check in and board early if you have a certain level of membership status. But certain airlines also give their elite members the benefit of access to priority security lines. Check often, however, because airlines sometimes change their elite status qualifications and benefits.

Fly When Others Are Not Flying

The busiest parts of each day at airports are usually early morning and late afternoon/evening. If you can schedule your departing flight late morning to early afternoon, you will usually experience shorter TSA lines. As you know, weekends are also the busiest travel days. Your best bet is to schedule your departure flight during the middle of the week. Every airport is a little different, however, so check your departure airport’s rush hours.

Stay Organized

Being prepared before you reach the airport and as you navigate the security line can also make a big difference.
Always have your paperwork ready.
Wear slip-on shoes that are easy to take off and put back on.
Adhere to TSA rules on the 3 oz. Limit on liquids and gels.
Check your large electronics as much as possible because having laptops and cameras examined can slow down the line.
Be nice. Being a TSA security officer is one of the most thankless jobs there is.

Individually, none of these tips may save you a lot of time going through TSA lines. As a whole, however, they can help you travel this summer like a pro.


Navigating through TSA security lines doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With the right knowledge, you can make it through smoothly even during peak travel seasons. It pays to plan ahead and understand the rules and regulations of your departure airport so that you don’t run into any nasty surprises on the day of your flight. Be mindful of potential delays due to rush hours or extra security measures, and be prepared with the right documents and items to make sure you get to your gate on time. Ultimately, a bit of pre-planning can save you time, stress, and hassle in the long run. Bon voyage!