L-1 Blanket Visa – Why am I paying for fraud and prevention fees?
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QUESTION: When applying for my L-1 Blanket Visa, I had to pay a fraud prevention fee and detection fee. What are these fees and why do I have to pay them?
ANSWER: Whoever is the primary applicant of a Blanket L-1 Visa petition will be the one who needs to pay the Fraud Prevention fees and Detections fees. The prices will go up as the size of the company increases. The amount of the fee will depend on how small or how big is the company. The prices will start at US$500 to US$2,000 to US$2,250. The petitioner from the United States will be the one who will have to pay this fraud prevention fee and detection fee when applying for an L-1, H1-B and H2-B petitions when they hand in the petition with the United States Citizens and Immigration Services. The consular cashier collects the fees. There are two ways to pay, a demand draft or a cashier’s check.
In addition, the detection and prevention fee are charge whenever you apply for the L-1 Blanket Visa.
NOTE: Border Security Act fee is another fee that is associated with the Fraud Prevention fees and Detections fees. Inquire about this set of fees when you interact with a United States Citizen and Immigration Services agent.