I possess a US and Canadian passport. Which passport would be recommended for my flight to the US?
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Question: I possess a US and Canadian passport. Which passport would be recommended for my flight to the US?
Answer: Since you have both a US and Canadian passport, this means you have dual citizenship. Since you are traveling to the US, we recommend that you use the US passport to travel there.
US citizens will less likely be deny entry into the US than someone coming from another country. By using a Canadian passport, you may encounter issues as oppose to using a US passport. In addition, to avoid entry denial at the point of entry, a valid US passport will give a more secure entry. In addition, going through customs and immigration may be faster for a US citizen.
However, if your passport from the US is not valid, then you may face some issues. Though Canada is very close to the US and shares a border, passport officials do not cut any slack and will treat crossings from Canada to the US very seriously. So, to avoid any difficulties, use the US passport that you possess. On your return flight to Canada, you may use your Canadian passport to show proof of citizenship. This way you may avoid any immigration issues.