Would I be Able to Travel with an Expired U.S. Passport To Nicaragua?
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Question I will be traveling to Central America in 3 months, specifically Nicaragua. I obtained my passport when I was 18 and it is now expired. I will need to renew it before my trip to enter Nicaragua. Will I need a passport to travel to Nicaragua? Can I renew my passport when I return to the United States?
Answer If you will be traveling to Central America, in this case travel to Nicaragua, you will need to possess a valid United States passport. American citizens should make sure that their passports are indeed valid for their intended stay in those countries before they travel. Being that you will renew your passport, your passport will be valid during your time in Nicaragua.
Also, American citizens should possess adequate funds for their projected stay. In addition, American citizens should have a return ticket to ensure that they will be leaving on set date. As an American citizen, it is not necessary to obtain a visa. You will have to obtain a tourist card. It costs $5 and is usually good for 30-90 days.
The following link will provide more information on the rules and regulations for travel in Central America.
You will have to renew your passport before your trip. You can do so by mail if you meet the criteria and guidelines. Regular passport processing usually takes about 4-6 weeks to obtain a passport. You can use and expedited passport service which will process your passport within 2-3 weeks. Also, you can obtain your passport in less time than states above if you hire a professional expediting service or if you visit your nearest regional passport agency.
The following link will provide you with more information and the guidelines on how to renew your passport via mail.