My Daughter is 17 and I would like to know if she needs to apply for a completely new passport?
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Question: My daughter is 17 her passport will expire in April of next year. She was 13 when she first got her passport. Now that she is 17 and I would like to know if she needs to apply for a completely new passport.
Answer: If you are issued a passport as a minor, you will not be able to renew it. You will have to apply for a new passport using form DS-11.
Your daughter should fill the form out completely and leave the signature box blank. She will have to sign when the passport agent tells her to.
Also, your daughter will have to present to the agent proof of identity, proof of citizenship, a current passport photo, and a copy of his identity. He may need to us form DS-3053 to provide written consent by a parent. Lastly, he should carry payment for any associated fees.
A recommendation by The State Department is to renew a passport about 9 months prior to its expiration date. While expedited services take about 2-3 weeks, regular processing services take about 4-5 weeks.
Most countries have varying regulations regarding visas and you should check what is necessary with the embassy in each of your destinations. Some require a minimum of 6 months of validity before they issue a visa. You can find a list of the embassies HERE.